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Online Music for All Abilities

Music is a medium that is global: it can be enjoyed regardless of your language, race, creed, location, or physical ability. Music tells the story of cultures and is one of our most primitive storytelling mediums.

Often described as something you feel, beyond just hearing, music really is an equalizer for all sorts of people to enjoy. But yet, the opportunity to learn music doesn’t enjoy the same level of accessibility for all.

What do we mean by music accessibility when it comes to learning an instrument?

The opportunity to learn an instrument is not available to all people, specifically for people with low vision or who are blind. We believe that this is unacceptable in an age of technology where online music can and should be available to all abilities.

Where do we come in?

We want to work with orchestras, bands, Conservatoriums of Music, music schools and teachers, of all instruments and genres, to make their online music lessons and music sheets accessible to all abilities.

We can remediate your online musical instrument lessons and content as well as open a new global market using our central online library that people of all abilities, including those with low vision, can borrow from.

You have the music knowledge and skills; we have the means to take what you teach and use our technology (our online library if you will) to take your music to a global audience that reaches out to all abilities.

Which means together we can start the journey to equalize online music lessons.

What are the legal requirements?

In order to adhere to the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) and WCAG 2.1 compliancy standards, videos must be remediated to give the viewer access to an audio description version with a few additional features they can access or turn on as needed.

As content creators we are all responsible for ensuring that the material we produce meet the accessibility standards in the countries the digital documents will be seen. This includes all aspects of music content. So, if you put your music lessons onto the web, they need to be accessible to everyone.

How can I learn more?

If you have a wealth of musical knowledge, or online musical teaching material that hasn’t been unlocked for all abilities, we can help enable you to make it more accessible.

Get in touch to find out more.

The progress we are making

We have commenced a pilot program with the Sydney Youth Orchestra to unlock and distribute their online musical lesson content to make it available to a global audience. This involves ensuring that for each instrument in the orchestra the lesson notes, music sheets and videos are remediated to include transcripts and captioning. Once completed, the material will be tested prior to be added to our library.

Our background

We have been working in the accessibility design space as Brio Group for over 22 years, and with accessible documents as TaggedPDF in Australia since 2010.

We know heaps about digital accessibility, but need your skills in teaching and/or learning music to make it available for all.

It's not just us

We want you to be a part of our journey, and we can’t make a difference without you.
Any questions you have or projects you want to work on together, don’t hesitate to contact us.