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Betting it all on Vegas

Panel of speakers on stage at an event

Accepting an invitation to speak at a conference in Las Vegas was not something I was originally planning to do in 2024 let alone being the only Australian business represented. But that is where I ended up last month, and I am so glad I did.

Firstly, it was only through the support of the Advance Queensland Ignite Ideas Fund that we were able to present Queensland tech innovation to the world, and to launch our accessibility business Meet Aandi into the US, at the Education 2.0 Conference.

I am thankful to Advance Queensland who provided us a means to

  • Amplify our voice worldwide
  • Profile the innovation that comes from Queensland on a world stage, and an
  • Opportunity to learn and collaborate with others in education 

Going to the States to launch a Queensland, Australian innovation is a big deal, but one we were prepared for.

We put on our ‘big person’s shoes’ took ourselves out of our comfort zone and told our story.

flyers laid out next to a bowl of colourful sweets

America is not a big market, it’s a huge market, and for us to share a story about accessibility that many educators had not considered before was one we were proud to deliver.

We are proud of the ‘idea’ we explored and the technology we have built. We truly believe Meet Aandi meets a gap in both the American and Australian market when it comes to accessible content, especially video content, that reaches all abilities.

There are many who can benefit from Meet Aandi, actually really anyone who uses video in their communications. However, we want to begin with educators because they provide the foundations to our future. More specifically we are seeking to learn about the role that Meet Aandi can play in providing online music content for all abilities.

For me personally, whether I am at home chatting online from my home office, or in beautiful Las Vegas speaking to educators, meeting people and sharing ideas is the magic that makes change happen for the benefit of all abilities.

So, if you are looking to be a part of the magic that can make a difference, how about we have a chat.

Oh, and no bets were made during our visit by me that is!



Contact details

Read more about Meet Aandi at and

Advance Qld